Thursday, March 19, 2020

Love in university life Essays - Battle Of Stone Corral, Visalia

Love in university life Essays - Battle Of Stone Corral, Visalia Love in university life ALI 150-04 Prof. C. Stammler February 13th , 2014 Love in university life Having always lived in India, I spent the first seventeen years of my life under my parents guidance until I had to leave for a country on the side of the globe, literally. After my parents came to Long Beach and got me settled in my room, they went back to India leaving me here with two boys whom I had never known in my life, who were now going to be my roommates for the coming 10 months. This essay is a summary of me, a young introverted boy experiencing love for the first time in my new university life and how I dealt with it. I had no idea that in this hustle of settling down at a new university in a new country, I would start liking a girl so much that I would be thinking of her all day, every day. But I didnt know what I had to do about it. I did not know if should man up and voice my liking for her to her before its too late or just keep quiet and leave this on our destiny. Living in the dorms introduced me to the concept of sharing a room with people of my age. I had never cohabitated in such a small space with three people before. I didnt know my roommates or anyone in this university. I had thought that my roommates were shy of talking to new people of completely different background. But I started attempting to talk to them as I did not know anybody else apart from them then. I got to know about their interests, their likes and dislikes. However, I did not like their sleeping habits. They would sleep in the day and stay awake all night when everyone else was sleeping. This was a pain at times because I couldnt study properly in the dark. I wanted to talk to him about the problems I have been having with them but I was too afraid to talk to them. The fact that I was a shy person only added to the communication barrier that already existed because of our cultural differences. They were different from me and because of the difference in our cultures and religion, it was difficult for us to get along. I had never imagined I would have deal with racist behavior after having heard about such good things about the American culture prior to coming to the United States. However uncomfortable I was, I never voiced my opinions to them about their messiness and about them having thoughts about me just because I was an Indian. Anyway, so after a few weeks of solitary confinement with just my roommate for company, I had started hanging out in the multi-purpose hall, or known as the common hall. Initially, I was just a person sitting awkwardly in a room full of people. Then slowly when I started talking to people I learnt that its not too difficult to make new friends in a different country. Its just the first urge that is difficult. Slowly and steadily I got more and more conformable with people here. I also got to know that most of the people here actually love Indians and wished to know more about them and their culture. This made me more confident because I knew that it was just my roommates that were slightly hesitant to talk to Indians and it was not something that everyone else followed too. I then started talking to new people and would just walk up to them and start talking to them because I started to know how things work here. I wouldnt have got to know about social etiquettes as much as I did, had I been living off campus with my cousin who studies at the same university. Dorm life has its own advantages and disadvantages. Its way easy to make friends while living the dorm life as compared to living off campus because the dorms built me a good circle of friends by the end of my first semester that I would have been unlikely to meet on a campus of

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

What to Do if You Are Failing Chemistry

What to Do if You Are Failing Chemistry Are you failing chemistry? Dont panic. Heres a look at what you can do and how you can make the best of the situation and possibly turn it around. What Not to Do First, lets take a look at how not to handle the situation. You may view failing chemistry as the end of the world, but how you react could actually make a bad situation worse, so dont do these things: PanicCheatThreaten your instructor.Attempt to bribe your instructor.Give up.Do nothing. Steps to Take Talk to Your InstructorThis should be the very first thing you do because nearly all of the options for minimizing the damage involve your teacher. Discuss your options. Is there any way you can pass? The answer to this question is almost always yes since most chemistry classes end with comprehensive exams that are worth a ton of points. Most classes, especially at the middle school and high school level, are intended to allow for mistakes since the point of the class is to teach you the material and not to weed you out. Most general chemistry classes in college are the same way, though there may be less opportunity to make up for a bad beginning. Ask about extra work. Ask about extra credit. Ask if there is any chance to re-do past assignments. Teachers usually respect an honest effort, even if you made a late start of it. If you are willing to work for the passing grade, there is almost always something you can do.Keep Doing Your HomeworkOr start doing your homework, if that is par t of the problem. Digging yourself in deeper is not going to help you. Keep Attending Lectures and LabsOr start going, if you havent been attending. Showing up makes a difference.Take NotesWrite down whatever the instructor puts on the board. Try to write down what is said. If your teacher takes the time to write something out for you, it is because that information is important.Get Someone Elses NotesPart of your problem may have to do with your skill at taking notes. Studying your own notes strengthens the connection between what you experienced in class and what you are learning, but studying someone elses notes gives you a different perspective and may help you identify important concepts that you overlooked.Try a Different TextYour instructor should be able to recommend a different text that you can read in addition to the one you are using. Sometimes concepts click when they are explained differently. Many textbooks come with outlines that instructors use to prepare notes. Ask if those outlines are available for your text.Work ProblemsProblems and calculations are a big part of chemistry. The more problems you work, the more comfortable you will become with the concepts. Work examples from your book, examples from other books ... any problems you can find. How to Fail Gracefully Everyone fails. How you handle failure is important for several reasons, but with respect to chemistry it affects your academic future. Consider Withdrawing  -  If you either dont want to put forth the effort required to turn your grade around or else cant avert failure, see if you can withdraw from the class. In some cases, you may be able to drop the class without having any negative marks made on your academic record. No grade may be better than a bad grade since a bad grade will work into your grade point average.Consider Staying in Class -  If you cant avert the failure no matter what, you may be tempted to just walk away. That may be fine if you never have to see chemistry again, but if you need to pass the class at some point, you may want to stick it out for lectures and labs so that you will be better prepared the next time you face the material. You may not think you are learning anything, but chances are, some of what you read and hear will stick. If you are withdrawing from class, discuss remaining in class (not for a grade) with your instructor.Exit Gracefully -  Dont say or do anything you might regret later, no matter how tempting it may be at the time.